Exploration & production solutions

Marine seismic surveys provide imaging of the seabed and beneath so exploration and production companies can make better informed decisions about the energy supplies of the future.

As one of the most experienced specialists in the field, we develop innovative techniques and technologies that are improving the quality of seismic data and imaging software.

The greater accuracy we achieve reduces risk for our clients, improving their operational efficiency and output.


Acquiring data

A marine seismic survey generates pressure waves then monitors their impact with the ocean floor, capturing data indicating geophysical variation.

Understanding data

Our experienced scientists accurately model the complex interactions of seismic waves with the subsurface geology to produce high-quality, accurate profiles.

Multi-client data access

Pools investment from participating exploration companies allowing greater seismic image volume and broader regional interpretation.


Identifying potential reservoirs

Discovery of potential reservoirs of hydrocarbons.

We work closely with you to understand your subsurface goals and challenges, helping you select the right survey options from our full suite of technologies. Each acquisition method is best suited to specific applications, so we ensure you achieve maximum value from your investment by selecting the best solution for your objective, budget, deadline and the geophysical conditions. If the project requires it, our dedicated in-house R&D facilities can modify standard approaches or even develop bespoke solutions that better support your goals.

Every vessel in our large fleet is specifically designed for seismic surveys so we can introduce sources and sensors - and monitor and analyse data - in most marine environments. We continue to research new technologies and techniques to improve effectiveness and minimise the potential environmental impact of seismic surveys.


Accurate processing and imaging of seismic data is essential for making the best decisions for major offshore projects. By reducing uncertainty, our data enables our clients to improve their confidence in success, and more accurately estimate their resource potential.

We can provide the highest quality 2D, 3D and 4D imaging in all geological environments, at speed, so you can meet your decision deadlines. Integrated, onboard teams of experts, with access to our own in-house clusters and cloud computing, provide swift, accurate processed data for interpretation. As a result of continued heavy investment in advanced seismic processing and imaging technology we have developed Reveal, our state-of-the-art, software processing tool. It can handle the largest volumes of data and perform complex processing tasks efficiently, delivering high-quality, accurate subsurface images and information.


Multi-client seismic data is an efficient way to access high-quality geological insights while lowering costs and risk. By licensing data, our clients benefit from our world-leading acquisition technology without the time or investment associated with chartering proprietary surveys.

This cost-sharing model can be particularly effective at making seismic data accessible to emerging industries such as carbon storage and wind farming without compromising on quality. It can also be used to supplement proprietary data surveys, providing wider regional or temporal context.

We take a collaborative, ‘roll up our sleeves’ approach to all client projects, and will work closely with you to identify when our multi-client data may best serve your needs.

Seismic stories,
deep experience

Timelapse, 4D seismic processing, reveals field’s secrets
Pop-up processing centres to support remote areas of India

Deepen your

Marine acquisition & survey methods

Seismic surveys help us find clear answers to the Earth’s deepest questions.


To measure the earths response, you need excellent receivers.

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