Transformation partnership

We can help revolutionise your business and the way you work. We do this by openly sharing all aspects of our software, technology, knowledge and knowhow. It’s an unusual approach in the industry, we know, but one that we believe works best for you and for us.

You could say, we’ve taken a disruptive stance. We make decisions around software based on our whole business long term. We think strategically about the way we sell software, from the whole of Shearwater.


We partner with clients on processing and imaging technology and work flexibly with them. For example, we think of Reveal as a partnership with our clients, all working together to ensure we have the industry-leading product. Why work independently on the same product? We trust our partner clients and work together to get the optimum result.

By working
together we can develop
software that enables us to
share data more easily



We enjoy developing a closer more collaborative relationship with you and hope you consider us an extension of your team.

If clients using Reveal need us to, we can provide staff to work with their teams on a short-term contract. Our people can travel to client sites or work remotely, supporting your processing teams.

This means you can adapt your team’s capacity and skills quickly, perhaps also working with your asset teams, but leaving you in control.


Shearwater works with all cloud providers so we can work with the provider you choose to use.

You can keep your data securely on your cloud environment, and our teams simply access and process the data there.

We are processing in full view – you can access, and see, all data at all times -- and it prevents having to move data around. We believe that increased collaboration and openness gives you greater efficiency, quicker decision-making and reduced turnaround time.

Offshore processing and quality control

With Starlink intranet access now on all our assets, we can interact in real-time with our vessels from your premises – whether it be for quality control or processing.

We can transfer data of course, but it’s more efficient to keep data on the vessel and interact with it, perhaps in tandem with transfers.

This means that your staff don’t need to be on the vessel and can supervise in real-time onshore, and we can have fewer processing and imaging staff present. It reduces health, safety and environment (HSE) exposure and project cost, as well as providing better results.

Deepen your

Marine acquisition & survey methods

Seismic surveys help us find clear answers to the Earth’s deepest questions.


To measure the earths response, you need excellent receivers.

Driving technology & innovation

Technology in the energy and geoscience fields is advancing quickly.


Mark Skinner, our transformation partnership expert is here to help