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Focus Adam’s Experience As An Intern At Shearwater

1 Sep 2022

Story from Adam, Internship in GeophyicsUK - June 2022 – August 2022

Growing up, I always had a keen interest in computers and technology, and I often found myself trying to fix the various software issues I had caused by messing around with my PC. This, I believe, is where I first discovered my enjoyment for problem solving. Progressing through school, I took a particular liking to geography, as well as maths and science, which culminated in me studying Geophysics and Geology at University. This allowed me the opportunity to apply scientific techniques to uncover the natural world, as well as bolster my problem-solving competences.

My University course taught me about various geophysical methods used to explore the Earth, where I became especially interested in that of the seismic method. Here, I also began to develop computational skills, such as visualising, modelling and analysing various geophysical datasets. As such, when I saw the advert for an internship in the Processing & Imaging department at Shearwater, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to not only learn more about the world of seismic, but also to gain experience with handling data and overcoming technical challenges in an industrial setting.

In my first week, I received an introduction to the department and met my fantastic team, with whom I would spend the next two months working with. I settled in almost immediately, and was taken aback by the incredibly welcoming and friendly working environment across the entire company. The next few weeks consisted of processing data on real projects and compiling information for the clients, which was a great way to witness first-hand how the industry operates.

Everybody was more than willing to help, not only with processing but also in terms of careers advice and offering me suggestions for things to do in the local area. The social nature of the office was a very refreshing aspect. People were always happy to chat, and I spent some evenings out for dinner with my colleagues. I even participated in a table football competition! The quality of the work at Shearwater is of a high calibre. It has been fascinating to witness the attention to detail demonstrated by the company, all the while working efficiently and maintaining a positive work-life balance. The technical innovation and growth of the company in recent months has also been great to see, as Shearwater goes from strength to strength.

Overall, my experience at Shearwater has been extremely enlightening. I have learned so much about the industry, fostered processing and organisational skills, and have grown my confidence, teamwork and communication skills. I have a met a lot of great people and have heard some wonderful stories. All of these are things I could only experience by working with a great group of people in a fascinating industry. I end my internship with immense gratitude, and look forward to what lies ahead with a renewed sense of optimism.

Adam interned at the Gatwick office, June 2022 - August 2022